Hayato “Hayatonnu” Yamaguchi is a dancer, choreographer, teacher, and busker. He comes from Japan, but since 2011, he has been living in Germany and working in Europe.
He loves balancing on his arms more than his legs. His style is based on contemporary, jazz, ballet, street dance and acrobatics.
From a young age, Hayato has been in love with sports. The kendo philosophy plays an essential part in his life, but now a chopstick is his sword.
Hayato holds a permanent residence permit in Germany (Niederlassungserlaubnis).
If you’d like to learn more about Hayatonnu, Małgosia Węglarz, an artistic director of the International Festival of Street Art BuskerBus, interviewed him. Hayato was the first guest on her blog. You can read the interview here.
The link of his pictures (images)
Hayato’s MEDIA
Date of Birth: 05.08.1980
Height: 173 cm
Weight: 62 kg
Languages: Japanese (native), English (fluent), German (basic)